Trait Solver 3 @BoxyUwU @WaffleLapkin

Warning: this quiz is still "work-in-progress", some questions might not have good explanations (or any at all), formatting/structure/titles/etc are not final, and so on. You might want to return here on a later date.

trait TraitA {}
trait TraitB<T: Sized> {}

impl TraitA for &dyn TraitB<[u8]> {}

trait MyDefault {
    fn default() -> Self;

impl<T: TraitA> MyDefault for T {
    fn default() -> T {
        todo!("not important for the example")

fn main() {
    <&dyn TraitB<[u8]> as MyDefault>::default();
thread 'main' panicked at examples/
not yet implemented: not important for the example
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

Yeah. This actually runs.


The compiler does not check "Well Formedness" of traits in trait objects, so dyn Trait<[u8]> does not produce an error, even though [u8] is not Sized.

This is might be unsound, but no one come up with an example of causing UB in safe code with this. At the very least, this is unexpected.